
The DLC worked with library staff to create a variety of displays to commemorate Data Privacy Day on Jan. 28. In addition to the static displays, DLC interns, Steven and Nathalia, threw a Pop-Up Crypto Party on the 28th from 12pm-2pm.

Key Take Aways

The Library is an excellent partner with versatile spaces.

Keep the writing wall as the one sheet of kraft paper. Either draw or use printed accents to liven it up, instead of trying to manipulate multiple sheets of large kraft paper.

Facilitators should stick to the simple version of the algorithm game because it requires less

Book Display

The library uses a table at the front of the library to feature books in the collection related to the featured theme.

Writing Wall

The Writing Wall . Writing walls are typically one sheet of kraft paper, but Steven decided to experiment using different colors in order to highlight multiple questions. While the final result looks good, it took Steven about three hours to put together and ultimately didn't garner as much interaction as he would have hoped. It is important for the writing wall to be eye catching and engaging, but it would be easier to add printed or hand drawn accents instead of trying to manipulate multiple sheets of kraft paper.

Data-Day at Middlebury Posters

The posters were inspired by a poster from the Glass Room exhibit that DLINQ-West visited last fall. The original poster was created/displayed in a specific context where viewers implicitly understood it's purpose. It may benefit from a box that helps random viewers place it in context, as well as localized for MIIS students.

Printer Posters

The library allowed DLINQ-West to play with the display space over the printers. Originally intended to be a rotating photo gallery, the library has not had enough photos to rotate. Steven reformatted the tips in the Data Detox Kit into 11x17 posters. The library has not said when/if they will take it down, but it could be a space future space to disseminate information. Future posters can size down on the font in order to include more information.

Pop-Up Crypto Party: Algorithm Game