This pop-up is designed to engage visitors at MIIS by sharing tips on how to protect digital privacy on cell-phones and hopefully engage them in a deeper conversation and discussion about data privacy and data security. This guide is intended for a public pop-up, but facilitators can share these useful tips with their classmates, friends and family anytime and anywhere and adapt it to their needs.
Flyers with tips for protecting data security
Sign Materials (White board & dry erase markers, pre-made poster)
Other DLINQ Tabling Materials (web-cam covers, snacks)
Choose a wide, open and public space in Samson center where passersby can see you. Set-up your table with enough space with flyers,cookies and data detox kit on one side and tabling materials on the other. Many people came for free cookies and the sign materials but stayed to peruse flyers with tips , use the data detox kit, to talk about how to set up on their cellphone in order to protect data security and the relevant experience.
By handing out flyers with tips,our opponent’s objective is to get the tips and set up on their cellphones,our objective is simply to share some knowledge of data security and increase their awareness of data privacy.
10 copies of flyers of tips
Two bags of cookies
Two pre-made posters
Simple (Facilitator Goes First)