Details: 4:30pm - 6pm in Wilson Media Lab, RSVP here

Description: With political and social polarization at work in this country, we believe that activists and allies will need to protect themselves from increased surveillance, harassment, doxxing, and other digital dangers. DLINQ’s Activists and Allies Cryptoparty aims to help protect people who are on the front lines of activism in our community and country, and/or people who work with and support marginalized communities.

Event Outline

4:30 - 5pm Introduction and threat modeling activity

Ground rules

Be excellent to each other

No harassment tolerated

Permission to ask silly questions granted - we are always learning!

Honor the vault of confidentiality

Other people’s keyboards are lava!

Threat modeling

<aside> 💡 A way of thinking about the sorts of protection you want for your data so you can decide which potential threats you are going to take seriously. It's impossible to protect against every kind of trick or adversary, so you should concentrate on which people might want your data, what they might want from it, and how they might get it. Coming up with a set of possible threats you plan to protect against is called threat modeling or assessing your risks.


Example: Surveillance Self-Defense (EFF) threat modeling questions

Additional resources:

Trace My Shadow, Tactical Technology Collective

Surveillance Self Defense, Electronic Frontier Foundation

More on surveillance:

5pm - 5:20pm Hands-on privacy stations

Station 1) Device encryption (laptop and mobile)

Station 2) Encrypted communications (messaging and email)

Station 3) Passwords and password management

5:20pm - 5:40pm Hands-on privacy stations

Station 1) Device encryption (laptop and mobile)

[Station 2) Safer browsing (browsers and add-ons, tab obscuring— encryption and more!)](

Station 3) Safer social media use (incl. 2FA, scraping meta data, erasing history)

5:40pm - 6pm Hands-on privacy stations

Station 1) Encrypted communications (messaging and email)

Station 2) Passwords and password management

Station 3) Safer browsing (browsers and add-ons, tab obscuring— encryption and more!)

Station 4) On the go with your mobile (travel and on-the-go tips)


Other recommendations:

Delete data from data brokers

Do virtual deep cleaning every 6 months

End with a call for partnerships on future CryptoParties & drawing for door prizes

Prizes are 1 Faraday bag, 5 PortaPow data blockers

We'll also have free CryptoParty stickers available; we'll try to give as many people as possible laptop camera covers

Additional readings/resources

Attending a protest, Surveillance Self-Defense - EFF

Basics, Security Self-Defense - EFF

RiseUp resources for social change organizers

FrontLine Defender resources

Security-in-a-Box Glossary

Tactical Tech projects

Data Detox: Control Your SmartPhone Data

Data Detox: Do an App Cleanse