March 26, 2020 | 12:15 - 1:45pm | DLC Design Space
DLINQ event listing:
Event digital sign

Crypto Stations:
- Cleaning up online presence (posts, photos, decreasing your footprint by decreasing the data available to be mined). Can install scripts to control content (Nathalia+Jessie)
- Changing app privacy settings and camera/photo access between apps (Ahana)
- Protected browsers and search bias (Jeni and Sailee)
- PW Managers and alternative secure email services (Jakob)
- Physical device security/data encryption/data blockers (Laura)
- Digital footing for soon-to-be grads (Stephen & Natalie)
- Personal Threat Modeling (Bob)
You will find pages set up for each of the stations towards the bottom of the event page
- Station leaders should develop their content plans for a dry run by our prep meeting on Tuesday March 24th 12-2pm. Be sure to focus on free libre open source (FLOSS) software that people can install and walk away with and be prepared to help them explore different options.
- Share to help get the word out - we want to reach as broad a Middlebury Institute community audience (faculty, staff, students x dept,program) as possible
Station Design Principles - feel free to add others:
- focused and inclusive - be clear about the Crypto concern or challenge the station is addressing; keep the station content focused so that it is digestible and be careful not to use jargon that might be unfamiliar;
- interactive / hands-on - provide opportunities for testing, exploration, curiosity, "aha" moments
- show, don't tell - crypto and privacy can be overwhelming, find ways to be visual, show how to do things and why relevant